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science fav thing

A lot of things happened this year but my favorite would have to be my history class. I liked the whole entire class was great because I love the subject and everyone has a place. I would be the guy everyone finds funny, and cooper would be known as silly but under control. Seth is…

fav thing about middle school

One of my favorite things about school this year would have to be history class. I love it so much because Mrs. Stevens doesn’t just take notes but she gives us projects and assignments. Even in my least favorite chapter, Mrs. Steven made me enjoy it. Also, Mrs. Stevens is a really laid-back and chill…

history middle school

If im being honest and I know this sounds bad and weird but one of my favorite things about middle school was defidently drama. I don’t like the shameful drama, but I do like the dating or the knowing more about people. I like it because it added a little more spice to my life…

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